About Us
As you scroll down the page you are going to be able to see that we offer home renovations in a wide variety of different parts of the home. The only real reason why we are able to work on all sorts of different aspects that a renovation can entail is that we have a team of pros that specialize in a wide variety of different areas. We are not just a group of very resourceful handymen. We are actually a team of certified professionals that are going to be able to get the job done.
Our Services
We gave you a heads up for this already, but we can provide full kitchen renovations, bathroom renovations and pretty much handle all sorts of repair needs that you may have around the house. If you need to repaint or replaster a particular wall within your home you can give us a call. You don’t have to be undertaking a major renovation project to be able to book our services. In all of the services that we provide, we can start literally at the drawing board stage helping you plan what needs to be done. We’ll finish with that final paint job or whatever the finishing touches on the project could be.

With basically all of the projects that we are involved in, we’ll have two goals in mind. Naturally, we’ll want your kitchen to look the part and be better than anything you ever saw in a catalog. Yet, we understand that the kitchen is a workplace in many regards. Therefore, it’s important for us to be able to create a setup that is practical and that takes advantage of the space that there is in the best way possible.
In bathrooms, simple procedures can really change the outlook of the entire place. For example, we’ve been in homes that still have some very old looking wallpaper decorating their bathroom. If that’s you, we mean no disrespect. Yet, removing the old look and going with a plaster finish to give you an idea, can totally change the whole room. We can change out sinks, faucets, and toilets, and other bathroom fixtures. Also, we’ll be able to help you update your flooring or your tile shower. We can do a procedure where we change all of the above or we just help you with specific features.

This is something that we ultimately almost always end up doing. Whether it be painting walls, or even repainting certain fixtures such as kitchen cabinets to give you an example. We’ve talked about plaster in walls as well already. In our view plaster is something that we can certainly use to give the wall a unique look, but also add that extra layer of protection. That’s why it serves well in bathrooms and even kitchens. Where the presence of moisture can cause real trouble when the area features cheap finishes.
We feel that this is something that often just goes overlooked. We can install windows for you though. It’s not just about changing the glass sometimes. We can actually adjust frames if need be, create window spots as well. This is something that can also completely change the outlook of a room. Particularly if we are talking about a room that is known for being dark. Letting some light in and using brighter colors can completely allow the room to give off a much different vibe.

Do you want to build a deck? There are different types of decks that we are going to be able to help you create. If you have a spot on your property that you want to turn into a deck at ground level we’ll be able to essentially manage that. On the other hand, maybe you want to walk out onto your deck in the master bedroom that sits on the second floor. If that’s the case, we can also help you with both the design and the installation of the structure.
Before we incorporated roofing repairs as part of our service line up we would get called up by homeowners complaining of moisture spots in their ceilings. We could clearly see that the problem stemmed from roofing issue. A lot of times a roofing problem can lead to a lot of different issues in the rest of the house. We wanted to be able to essentially have the ability to attack the source of the problem. What we did next was bring in roofing experts and train our guys to be able to get the job done.

We can pretty much help you with any issue that you may have around the house. You don’t necessarily need to want to do a full renovation of anything to be able to give us a call. Having said this, give us a call or contact us if you need help with again, literally anything around the house.

I’ve actually worked with Warrior Home Improvement of Syracuse on multiple projects in my kitchen, bathrooms, and other areas. They are able to provide great results every single time. – David T.

I just want to say that these guys are not the typical general contractor that you can find here in Syracuse. They are real pros that know how to work in different types of projects. – Hailey Y.

These guys are really able to do justice to the phrase home improvement! – Caleb U.
Serving all of Syracuse, including North Side, West Side, East Side, South Side, Strathmore, Washington Square, Downtown, Eastwood, Lakefront, Westcott, East Syracuse, Dewitt, Nedrow, Taunton, Westvale and more …